Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Weather Watch!

When you hear someone say that you can never rely on weather forecasts for Ireland, believe them!  The weather forecast has changed almost daily since last week, ranging between "cloudy with a shower" (just one?!) and "party sunny with showers".

TODAY's prediction:  "some sun, a couple of showers".  Oddly enough, when I first opened the website, it said the 14th was "cloudy with a couple of showers"...no sun in that photo!  However, when I changed the degrees from Centigrade to Fahrenheit... magic!  Upon refreshing, it changed to show some sun - HOORAY! 

Best to bring that brolly, just to be safe, but still hoping for those showers to move on to another day!

Stay tuned for further updates.  See you in 9 days!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Recent text from Dave:
"I'm really starting to get wedding buzz now!!!"

Now if that doesn't make you smile....!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Countdown Weather Forecast!

Please, Friday, will you share some of your predicted sun with Thursday?  Fingers crossed.

Pack those brollies just in case!

On a positive note, the high temp has increased from 19 to 23, hooray!  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Could it be?  Yes, our wedding is one month away!  

We are organised!  We are enjoying life and all of this excitement!  We can do this!

Today we met with the local priest and signed some marital documents.  This priest will gather our various marriage documents and coordinate with the church in Ireland, then we will be allowed to marry in Ireland.  One big item off the to-do list, more to follow this week.

Thanks for the additional RSVPs over the weekend, we are excited to enjoy the day with you! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

So exciting!
Thanks for your RSVPs.  We look forward to more!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hooray!  This past weekend we officially completed our marriage prep course!  If you've not taken one of these classes, you may have had the same initial reaction that we had... "ugh!  boring!"  However, we both really enjoyed the classes.  They were well organised and full of helpful information for every day life. 

It's amazing how being in a room full of happy, loving people can just give you warm fuzzies.  After being in this marriage class for 2 days this weekend, we both commented how it was so nice to be in a room full of happy people with good intentions.  We definitely felt everyone's happiness, it was absolutely lovely.  There is indeed something to be said for "positive vibes".  Believe it, people!! 

So now, we have our certificates giving us the catholic church's approving nod to say those vows in . . . .
drumroll, please . . .
45 days!